Tuesday, 16 August 2011

The difference between a Windows web server and a Linux web server?

A web server is a computer that deliver web pages up. Every web server has an IP address and possibly a domain name.
Windows and Linux have a lot of Similarities involving the use of                               
  • HTML, JavaScript and outgoing mail server (SMTP server)
  • CGI (Common Gateway Interface) also known as Shell Scripts involving computer languages, (for example PERL, JAVA).          

Differences is that;
  • Linux is uses FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to upload files onto the web server whereas windows uses Telnet.
  • PHP a Server Side Script is for windows servers but mainly for Linux based.
  • ASP and ASP.net (newer) are for Windows. It provides access to VB.net (Visual Basic) and the VB Scripting language. ASP can be used on Linux but it is very rare and unlikely.
  • MySQL Database is Linux based and Access is for Windows based web servers. Other Databases are mainly for Windows based.


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