Saturday, 31 December 2011

Website Focuses

Creating a website, in my own opinion focuses on a few things.
  • Speed: how fast it loads. so therefore try to keep it compact.
  • Looks: as well as looking good, so people are interested.
  • Market: who its aimed for. age group? 
  • Layout: Always keep things neatly placed, well presented and not confusing to find.
  • Neatness: not too much junk everywhere.
Website Design Melbourne

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Hard Disk Drives

HDD (Hard Disk Drives) also known as HD (Hard Drives) as we call it theses was invented back in 24th December 1954 by IBM.
It is called a Hard Disk Drive, due to it having a stiff disk or disks inside called Platters. It is coated with magnetic material and a magnetic head to writes data to the surface to be read from.

Back when i was involved with more of a technical side in computers. I remember pulling out an 80mb hard disk drive and 1mb of ram from a server. Quite funny since now days it is in gb.


Website Design Melbourne